Our expertise

Our expertise

We specialize in genomics and bioinformatic analyses, with extensive experience in biotechnology and molecular biology.

DNA extraction and processing


The lab performs DNA extractions on a wide range of organisms, with a specially designed protocol crafted to handle difficult tissues such as seaweeds. The output of our DNA extraction method allows for both Sanger sequencing analyses and state-of-the-art NGS analyses.

Sanger Sequencing and Phylogenetic analyses


We routinely perform Sanger sequencing on seaweeds, cyanobacteria and arthropods. Following sequencing, we use phylogenetic and species delimitation analyses to determine the species identity of unknown samples. We are equipped to handle large amount of data for exhaustive species diversity and distribution analyses.

Next-Generation Sequencing and (meta)genomics


We built a large expertise in next-generation sequencing during our > 20 years in academic research. Our expertise ranges from genomics, to transcriptomics, to genomic selection. More recently, we started working on metagenomic analysis of seaweed samples, where we designed custom pipelines to characterise and quanitfy seaweed (and microbial) diversity in bulk samples.